come costruire una casa con styrostone

per la costruziono di una casa con il sistema styrostone

We know of no ground plan for a modern house necessitating a module of increments of less than 5 cm.

For the elevations Styro Stone permits increments down to 2,5 cm.

If your original plans do not conform, your architect will in all likelyhood have used a CAD Programm so that your plans can be easily modified at little or no extra expense.

Every Styro Stone is line embossed at 5 cm intervalls to facilitate the cutting of the blocks to length.

A house designed on the basis of the standard stone widths of 25 and 35 cm involves less cutting, so less labour on site and yet another economy.

Styro Stones with EPS-ties allow for a 25 cm space setting at each tie, using end closure 9001 .

For intermediate settings in 5 cm modules, end closure 9002 must be used.

Styro Stones with hard ties always take end closure 9002 , a respective of the module used.
Rule of thumb:
Every dimension divisible by 25 cm saves time and labour on site.

Every dimension divisible by 5 cm increases time and labour on site.

Any dimension, not divisble into modules of 25 cm or 5 cm, appreciably increases time and labour on site.